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Online Drop in for mums
Online eventThis event is run by the organisation Mind in Bexley. View their organisation details and other listed services.
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Mindful Mums offers award-winning, free wellbeing groups that help pregnant women and new parents look after their mental and emotional wellbeing during pregnancy and their baby’s first year.
Having a baby isn’t easy at the best of times, especially with the modern-day demands of work, health and relationships, and traditional family support networks not always being an option. Our Mindful Mums wellbeing groups will help you navigate the path of new parenthood.
The Mindful Mums Wellbeing Group is a supportive, wellbeing group for mothers of babies 0-12 months old. Co-delivered by peer support volunteers and staff with their own lived experience of motherhood and mental health, the group offers emotional and wellbeing support and provides a safe space for you and your baby, where you can share experiences, ask questions or give advice, learn tips and techniques for looking after your wellbeing and connect with other new mums in your area.
If you want to know more about the Bexley Mindful Mums project, or just want to chat and connect with some other local Mums, then join us for our weekly online wellbeing support drop-in, Tuesdays 1pm-2pm via Teams. These informal, drop-in sessions offer both antenatal and postnatal support, so can be attended by both pregnant Bexley women and those with a child under a year, whether a first-time Mum or a mum of multiples, all are welcome to join us! (feel free to bring lunch to eat while we chat!)