Bexley's Children’s Centres aim to improve outcomes for young children, ensuring they are happy, healthy and ready to begin school.
The Centres also provide help and support to families around parenting, health and well-being and employability. The services they provide are designed for parents and carers who may be expecting a new baby or have a child under the age of five.
Centres offer a range of services, including:
pre-school education and access to early education and childcare (on some sites)
access to health services, including health visiting and midwifery care
adult learning opportunities to help parents/carers progress into training or employment
access to play opportunities that are available to everyone, such as Stay and Play
access to services delivered by private providers that are available to everyone with small fees attached
In Bexley, you can access Children’s Centre services from one of our Children’s Centres and also from venues across the borough, including libraries, leisure centres and community buildings. This means that families have more choice and can access services nearer to their homes.
Our centres welcome all Bexley families who are expecting a baby or who have a child under five.
Our main centres are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm with some timetabled sessions on a Saturday.
We have a dedicated Children's Centre Team who are available to support you in accessing services and information. They will also deliver sessions across the borough together with some of our partners.