Age UK Bexley is one of 8 local charities who have come together to carry out Care Needs Assessments for Bexley residents on behalf of Bexley Council.
We provide a range of services to carers in Bexley, Greenwich and Lewisham.
Page last updated
If you require care and support in your home or in the community - we can help! The services range from half hour to full time care packages and are available to carers /individuals they care for. We also provide respite break services to parent carers of children and young people.
Some of the support services we provide are chargeable, please seek clarification from us if you are unsure. Contact us directly for prices of packages of care.
If you do not qualify for a service from your local authority you can purchase services directly from us as a self-funder or through the use of an individual or personal budget.
Please contact us on 01322 336086 or email [email protected] for further information.
What services are available?
Respite care
short breaks
packages of care
overnight services (waking/sleeping)
personal care
supported living
reablement services
dementia care
memory cafes
volunteer befriending
light housework
Age UK Bexley is one of 8 local charities who have come together to carry out Care Needs Assessments for Bexley residents on behalf of Bexley Council.
Sometimes, as we get a little older, we find it a bit harder to do the day-to-day household chores without a little assistance.
Age UK's Nail Cutting Service