Age UK Bexley is one of 8 local charities who have come together to carry out Care Needs Assessments for Bexley residents on behalf of Bexley Council.
If you have recently attended Queen Mary Hospital due to self-harm, suicidal attempt or emotional crisis, you can access our follow up support.
Page last updated
This support is purposely non-clinical, our teams are there to be a #VoiceOfHope 🙂
What is a Follow Up?
It's an opportunity to receive a bit of extra support when coming out of hospital. Our follow up feels informal and friendly and we are here to chat about whatever is most helpful. It is not usually long term but we are able to help whilst things settle down and plans for treatment and support can begin
Please remember, we’re not a crisis line, if you need urgent support in crisis, call 999 or go to your nearest hospital A&E.
Just so you know, our phone project lines are staffed during project opening hours, emails will be responded to asap but not necessarily the same day.
The lady from Emerge helped me take my mind off all that was happening so I was able to go to sleep. She made me laugh and I felt safe talking to her.
Age UK Bexley is one of 8 local charities who have come together to carry out Care Needs Assessments for Bexley residents on behalf of Bexley Council.
The Carers’ Support (Bexley) breaks project is available to carers where the person cared for lives in either the London Borough of Bexley or the Royal Borough of Greenwich and does not receive any other support. In Greenwich the project is called Greenwich Volcare.
Community Connect is an established service supporting local people to improve their health and wellbeing by connecting them with activities, support and services in the community.