Being a carer for someone with a learning disability can be hard but we are here to help. Our experienced team are dedicated to providing support for the specific needs of somebody who cares for a person with a learning disability.
BWA provides emergency accommodation for women and their children seeking to escape domestic abuse. BWA is able to accommodate up to 3 women and their children at any one time.
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BWA provides emergency accommodation for women and their children seeking to escape domestic abuse. BWA is able to accommodate up to 3 women and their children at any one time
During your stay, you will be provided safe housing in a confidential location, support to help you locate new housing and assistance to obtain the financial and community resources you need.
Additionally, we provide emotional support to help you through this difficult time and to regain your independence.
Specialised programmes are provided for both women and children during their stay.
Being a carer for someone with a learning disability can be hard but we are here to help. Our experienced team are dedicated to providing support for the specific needs of somebody who cares for a person with a learning disability.
The Freedom Programme runs for 12 consecutive weeks (term time only). This free programme is for any woman who wishes to learn more about the reality of domestic violence and abuse.
You are not alone, we can help. Our helpline is open as usual from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Monday to Friday - 020 8301 1536