Where SEND Children love to dance - Thanks to fund raising through Baby Ballet, Snap is very excited to be able to work with Baby Ballet Shine to offer a term of Baby Ballet Sessions
Super 1s gives young people with a disability aged 12-25 the chance to play regular, competitive cricket.
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Super 1s gives young people with a disability aged 12-25 the chance to play regular, competitive cricket.
All disabilities are welcome.
No previous experience or equipment needed.
Community cricket hubs allow participants the chance to receive coaching, compete against their peers and enjoy the benefits of playing sport.
We celebrate the development that can be made by young people living with disabilities involved with Super 1s through our annual Inspire Awards
Beths Grammer School
Hartford Road
Open in Google MapsGet directions on Google MapsEvery Monday 18:0019:30
Where SEND Children love to dance - Thanks to fund raising through Baby Ballet, Snap is very excited to be able to work with Baby Ballet Shine to offer a term of Baby Ballet Sessions
Bexley Voice run various free parent/carer workshops throughout the year on a variety of Special Educational Needs & Disability topics. These workshops are for parent/carers who live in Bexley or if their child attends a Bexley School.
After many successful years, the adult group continues to adopt a focused, forward-thinking approach, which we hope will benefit all the dyslexic adults who attend our meetings