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Advice and Health (under 55's)

The aim of our Advice and Health project is to provide advice, support and information to members of the Irish community in Bexley, Lewisham and Greenwich. Our Advice workers can offer specialist advice and practical help in relation to benefits and entitlements for people under 55.

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What is this service?

We provide housing, employment and debt information, advice and support to those with health and wellbeing concerns.

We can also provide support, information and onward referral to individuals and their families facing mental health issues or the challenges of substance misuse. If we can’t help you directly through our own services, Irish Community Services have strong relationships with other specialist organisations who may be able to offer more appropriate support.

We will make appointments for you, or refer you to other agencies as required, but will also keep in contact to make sure you are receiving the help you need.

Please email us at [email protected] or call us on 0208 854 4466 to find out how we can help

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