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  • club


    This club focuses on socialising and meeting new people or catching up with old friends over a hot cuppa and some biscuits!

  • service


    Sometimes we all need someone to talk to and often it can be helpful if this is not a close family member or friend. Carers are no exception – most spend their whole lives worrying about and caring for another person and sometimes their own needs can be forgotten.

  • service


    Our ADHD Behavioural Support Service work with young people and their families (with or without a diagnosis) to understand ADHD and help them to develop strategies for a calmer family life. It is for young people aged 5 to 17 years and is delivered as one-to-one support or family support sessions.

  • group


    After many successful years, the adult group continues to adopt a focused, forward-thinking approach, which we hope will benefit all the dyslexic adults who attend our meetings

  • club


    Weekly club social meetings to chat and enjoy a few board games over a cup of tea and biscuit!

  • service


    The aim of our Advice and Health project is to provide advice, support and information to members of the Irish community in Bexley, Lewisham and Greenwich. Our Advice workers can offer specialist advice and practical help in relation to benefits and entitlements for people under 55.

  • group


    Art group for carers, former carers and/or people with care needs

  • service


    Our friendly team work with young people and their families (with or without a diagnosis) to understand Autism and help them to develop strategies for a calmer family life. It is for young people aged 5 to 17 years and is delivered as one-to-one support or family support sessions.

  • club


    Where SEND Children love to dance - Thanks to fund raising through Baby Ballet, Snap is very excited to be able to work with Baby Ballet Shine to offer a term of Baby Ballet Sessions

  • service


    Re-Instate’s community hub operates a number of activities for the benefit of people who use our services.

  • service


    Evergreen's Befriending Service is a free and confidential service supporting senior citizens, weekly befriending visits encourage our clients to make the most of their life experience into old age.

  • activity


    Come along to one of our Befriending Cafes across the borough for tea, a chat and meeting new people.

  • service


    Are you an older person with hearing loss feeling isolated and lonely. Do you wish you had someone to talk to? Bexley Deaf Centre Lend An Ear through the new Befriending Service

  • service


    Our Befriending Service offers face to face and telephone befriending to ensure we include as many people as possible in benefitting from our support.

  • service


    Being a young person in today’s world is challenging and here at YADT, we understand that some young people need a little extra support to help them get a positive start in life or overcome obstacles along the way. We aim to help young people with the issues that affect them.

  • service


    Bexley CAMHS supports people under the age of 18 who are struggling with their mental health. We provide routine and urgent assessments and perform evidence-based interventions based on the individual’s clinical needs.

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    The Bexley Crisis Café is a safe and friendly place for anybody 18 and over who is experiencing severe emotional or psychological distress. It is a drop-in service where you can access mental health support and advice from mental health workers

  • group


    The group continues to offer support, information and social activities for members and/or families living in Bexley in addition to family holidays in our caravan situated in the New Forest.

  • service


    One to One Befriending Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Social Skills Group FLARE Parent / Carer Network Empowering Parents Empowering Communities Programme (EPEC)

  • club


    Bexley resuers club, learning sharing ideas and upskilling through sustainable projects.

    • eco

  • activity


    Thanks to funding from Access Sport, Bexley Snap are delighted to be able to offer our new session Glowfit! These sessions are for SEND girls aged between 14 and 25 years and their female carer
